LocalGovDigital Live!

LocalGovDigital Live is a series of monthly online get-togethers, where people in and around local government digital design, data and technology can get up to speed on the latest developments in the sector and hear what cool stuff other councils are up to.

It takes place on the first Tuesday of every month at 11am, runs for an hour, and is hosted on Zoom.

You can sign up to each session using the links on this page – doing so means you can easily add them to your work calendar, so you don’t forget them!

The running order for each session will be:

  • News and updates from LocalGovDigtial and around the sector
  • A show and tell from a council, with questions and answers to follow
  • Discussions within the group – sharing challenges and potential solutions

Details of what will be happening at each session will be shared on this page closer to the event!

Who can take part?

Anyone with a genuine interest in learning from and contributing to the community. However, please leave any commercial interests at the door before you come in.

You don’t have to be a member of LocalGovDigital, but we encourage you to join!

Next session

The next LocalGovDigital Live! will be taking place on Tuesday April 2nd, at 11am for an hour.

We will be having a group discussion about the recent flurry of articles discussing the potential of having a GDS style organisation for local government.

Sign up for this event now!

Sign up for all the sessions:

Get ahead of the game by registering for all the sessions, and protecting that space in your diary!

Previous sessions:

  • Tuesday, March 5th, 2024: 11am – 12pm – low code with Craig Barker, Cumberland Council

Any questions?

Get in touch!